Broken Wings Read online

Page 24

  Patrick padded over to the dresser and opened the drawer that Brad had emptied for him. He removed a pair of sweats and pulled them on, hissing slightly when the fabric brushed the bite mark on his ass. Sitting down was going to be an interesting experience.

  When Patrick turned back to face the bed, Brad’s gaze slowly moved up to his face. Patrick grinned at him, enjoying the faint blush that stained Brad’s cheeks. His lover had been staring at his ass. “See something you like?”


  “Just maybe?” Patrick crawled onto the bed and winced as he settled cross-legged next to Brad. He had been right. Sitting was uncomfortable.

  “Pat, you know I think you’re gorgeous. Stop fishing for compliments.” Brad’s hand settled on his knee and began softly stroking. “What I was staring at was the giant bite mark on your ass. Are you okay?”

  “I’m a bit sore, but it’s a good sore.”

  “You’re sure?”

  “Trust me, Angel, if I didn’t want you to do something I would tell you.”

  “That’s what Jack said.”

  Patrick frowned in confusion. “When did you see Jack?”

  “Bingo and I ran into Jack and Robot while we were on our walk.”

  “And you decided to talk about our sex life?”

  “He wanted to know if I wore you out.”

  Patrick shook his head. “And you say I’m bad.”


  “You were talking about our sex life while walking a dog. I’d have to say that makes you almost as bad as me.” Patrick started to laugh as Brad stared at him in horror. “What is that look for?”

  “I am nowhere near as bad as you. How could you say such a horrible thing?” The affronted tone that Brad had put on was ruined by the glint of amusement in his eyes. Seeing the laughter there, Patrick couldn’t resist. He pounced and began to mercilessly tickle his lover. Within seconds he had Brad reduced to giggles and helpless twitching. Patrick loved that he could reduce his lover to actual giggles. It was not an easy feat. When Brad’s flailing turned into small whimpers, Patrick removed his hands and sat back.

  “You are evil,” Brad panted. He was trying to glare, but there was a fond look in his eyes. Patrick brushed hair off of his forehead before leaning over and placing a kiss there. “What was that for?”

  “You’re cute.”

  “Thank you?”

  “You’re a little punk, did you know that?” Patrick reached out a hand and poked Brad in the side. Brad actually whimpered and tried to squirm away.

  “No more poking.”


  “I’ll pretend to believe that,” Brad stated. Patrick grinned at him. “Now, tell me what you plan on doing about a job if you move here.”

  Patrick took a deep breath to steady his sudden case of nerves. Well, here goes nothing. “I’ve been talking to Asher about working in the office.”

  “What?” Brad shot into a sitting position, blue eyes filled with concern. “But I thought you loved being a cop?”

  “I do. It’s just….” Patrick trailed off. He ran a hand over his face as he tried to organize his thoughts. He felt Brad squeeze his knee in encouragement and managed to find a weak smile for his lover. “I’ve had two close calls, Brad. I don’t think I want to risk another.”

  Thinking about the shootings had the same effect as every other time he thought about them. Patrick started to tremble. The room suddenly seemed colder, and Patrick wrapped his arms around his chest. He jerked in surprise as a blanket settled around his shoulders. Patrick didn’t put up any resistance as he was pulled into Brad’s arms. He wanted to be as close to his lover as possible.

  “Would you have to commute to Calgary every day?” Brad asked.

  Patrick silently thanked his lover for changing the subject. He didn’t really want to talk about his fears. Unfortunately, his habit of avoiding the things he didn’t want to talk about wasn’t working very well anymore. He was starting to think that Keith’s repeated suggestion that he see a professional might actually be a good idea. Maybe Julian would be able to suggest someone?

  Strong hands ran over his back in a soothing motion. “Pat?” Patrick looked at Brad and found concerned eyes staring back at him. “You with me? You went away on me for a minute.”


  “Don’t worry about it.” Brad ran his fingers over Patrick’s cheek, and Patrick leaned into the caress. “So, are you going to commute every day?”

  “I don’t think I’ll have to go in every day.”

  “You don’t think?”

  Patrick shrugged within the circle of Brad’s arms. “We haven’t really talked all that much about it.”

  “Then why would you consider working in the office?”

  “Because I want to be with you,” Patrick replied. He wasn’t sure how to explain to Brad that he would give up anything to be with him. Being with Brad made him feel complete in a way he never had before. It was a feeling that he never wanted to lose.

  “Patrick, you don’t have to give up being a cop to be with me. I would never ask you to do that.”

  “I don’t want to worry you.” Patrick pulled away from his lover and ran a hand through his hair. He pulled his knees up, crossed his arms over them, and rested his head on his arms. “I’ve seen relationships fall apart when the partner who isn’t a cop can’t take the pressure. I don’t want to lose you because of my job.”

  “Patrick, I’ll admit that I was a bit concerned about your job when we first got together. I mean, when I met you, you had a fresh bullet wound.”

  “See, you’re worried.”

  “Of course I worry. I love you. But Patrick, I want you to be happy. I know that being a cop makes you happy, so I can live with a small amount of worry.”

  “Small amount?” Patrick turned his head so he could look at Brad. His lover reached out and tapped his nose.

  “This is a small place, Pat. Hallie’s disappearance was the most excitement that we’ve had in years. Being a cop here isn’t likely to get you shot.”

  “This from the guy who was just attacked on his own doorstep.”

  “Hey, that’s not normal either.”

  “Maybe if they had another cop in town, things like that wouldn’t happen.”


  “You think they’ll take me?”

  “I think you’ll be happier as a cop. Plus, you can always go to the office if there aren’t any openings.”

  “I think Asher will be happier if I’m a cop,” Patrick replied with a small laugh. He felt as if a weight had been lifted from his shoulders. He was getting everything that he wanted. Patrick looked at his lover’s smiling face before launching himself back into Brad’s arms. He sighed happily as the arms closed around him.

  “Well, if it makes Asher happy,” Brad responded with a laugh. He pressed a kiss to the top of Patrick’s head. “Am I ever going to get to meet Asher?”

  “You want to meet Asher?”

  “I’ve met all of your other friends. Do you not want me to meet Asher?”

  “I want you to meet him. We can stop by the next time we’re in Calgary.”

  “That would be nice.”

  “This is nice.” Patrick snuggled closer as Brad’s hands ran over his bare back. As Brad’s fingers dipped below the waist of his pants, Patrick nipped at his lover’s neck. He was just starting to consider initiating another round of morning sex when his stomach suddenly growled. He buried his face in Brad’s neck in embarrassment, then started to laugh as an answering rumble came from Brad.

  “I think we should probably get something to eat.”

  “You’re only saying that because our stomachs are talking to each other.”

  “That is a rather good indication. Come on, love, let’s go get something to eat.” Brad gave him a slight push out of his arms. Patrick sighed, climbed off of the bed, and headed back to the dresser. He quickly pulled on a pair of socks and a shirt. If he was leaving
the bedroom, he was doing it fully clothed. It was too damn cold not to. Stupid winter. When he finished dressing, Brad was waiting for him by the door to the bedroom.

  They descended to the kitchen in companionable silence. Once they got there, Brad sat at the table and gestured Patrick toward the fridge. Patrick laughed softly and shook his head. Brad had become quite content to allow Patrick to do all of the cooking. Patrick didn’t mind. In fact, he rather enjoyed cooking. He wasn’t as good as Julian, but he held his own. And he made a killer barbeque sauce.

  Patrick was still rummaging in the fridge when someone knocked on the door. “You’ll have to get that, Angel. I’m a little busy.”

  “Fine,” Brad sighed. He gave Patrick and exaggerated pout before leaving the room with Bingo on his heels. Patrick shook his head and continued with his preparations. He could hear voices coming from the hallway. By the time he had all the ingredients on the counter, Brad re-entered the kitchen with another man at his side. “Look who decided to join us for breakfast.”

  Patrick turned to see a short Asian man sitting at the table. “Morning, Graham.”


  “You like pancakes?”

  “Is that what we’re having?”


  “Then yes, I love pancakes.” Graham folded his arms on top of the table.

  “What’s with the suit?” Patrick asked before turning back to his pancake preparations.

  “I’m showing a house today.”

  “You mean you have an actual job?” Patrick tossed a grin over his shoulder when he heard his lover snicker.

  “Funny. Yes, I have an actual job. I don’t spend all of my time on vacation like you do.”

  “Hey, I was recovering from a bullet wound. That does not count as vacation.”


  “Bite me, Small Fry.”

  “Brad, are you going to let your boyfriend talk to me like that?”

  “You keep telling me that you can fight your own battles.”

  Letting the bickering of the two friends wash over him, Patrick began to cook the batter he had just finished preparing. The kitchen was soon full of the smell of cooking pancakes. “Angel, you want to set the table for me?”

  “Sure. Graham, could you get the syrup out of the fridge?”


  “Don’t grumble. My boyfriend is feeding you.”

  “Grumble,” Graham muttered. Patrick started to pile the pancakes on the plate that had appeared next to the stove. When he had a fairly large stack, he turned off the stove and turned with the full plate to face the table. Patrick put the plate in the center of the table before sitting in the seat that Brad had left for him. He pressed a quick kiss to his lover’s cheek.

  “These look great, Pat.”


  “What, no bacon?” Graham’s question was muffled due to the pancake he had already shoved in his mouth.

  “We’re out of bacon. You’ll just have to make do with the pancakes.”

  “You’re not a bad cook.”

  “Thanks.” Patrick shook his head as Graham grunted and continued to eat. Patrick felt a foot rub against his ankle. He turned his head to see his lover smile at him. Patrick smiled and returned the touch. Playing with Brad’s foot, Patrick started to eat his own breakfast. Graham was right. The pancakes were good.

  Patrick let his mind wander as Brad and Graham talked. He could see morning breakfasts becoming a normal occurrence. Even Graham’s appearance at the table didn’t detract from the happiness of the moment. He actually liked his lover’s best friend. Patrick was so busy thinking about how much he enjoyed his new routine that he missed the question Graham had asked.

  “Sorry, what did you say?”

  “What’s the menu for tomorrow?”

  “You planning on coming to eat with us?”

  “Hey, it’s better than cereal,” Graham replied with a grin. Patrick gave him a bland stare as he pointedly glanced at Graham’s spotless plate. Graham flushed slightly. “Okay, so maybe your cooking is pretty damn good.”

  “Wait until you try his barbeque sauce,” Brad interjected.

  “He makes his own barbeque sauce?”


  “Damn. I’m just going to have to eat here more often.”

  “We’ll just have to lock the doors at dinnertime.”

  “I have a key.”

  Brad turned slightly so he was facing Patrick. “Let’s not give him a key to the new house.”

  “Fine by me.”

  “What? New house? What new house?” Graham’s eyes were almost comically wide, and he kept looking between them. Patrick was fighting the urge to laugh at him when Brad’s hand covered his. He linked their fingers as he smiled at his lover.

  “Patrick’s moving here and we’re going to build a house.”

  Graham’s mouth dropped open. “Huh?”

  “Brad, does he have a hearing problem?”

  “Not that I know of. Of course, he’s only had one cup of coffee. That could be the problem. He really isn’t a morning person.”

  “Cut the comedy act, you two,” Graham snapped. “Let me get this straight. The two of you are building a house together?”




  A sly grin crossed Graham’s face. “Have you guys found a lot yet?”

  Patrick laughed as Brad dropped his head onto his arms. He reached over and stroked Brad’s soft hair as Graham got up and refilled his coffee cup. Graham held up the pot, and Patrick nodded at his empty mug. Graham brought the pot to the table and refilled Patrick’s empty mug.

  “The two of you have more coffee now, don’t you?” Brad still hadn’t lifted his head from the table. For a man who worked nights, Brad drank surprisingly little coffee. Some days Patrick thought his own blood contained more caffeine than red blood cells.

  “Yes, we have more coffee.” Patrick shifted closer and wrapped an arm around his lover. “Do you want some more coffee?”

  “No. I still don’t understand how the two of you can drink so much of it in the morning. It makes me twitchy.”

  “That’s because you don’t drink enough coffee. If you drank more coffee you would understand that it is the most wonderful drink in the world. It makes the morning bearable,” Graham stated. When Brad didn’t lift his head, Graham balled up a napkin and bounced it off of his head. Patrick laughed softly as Brad’s head finally lifted and his lover glared at his best friend.

  “I think it’s creepy how much you love coffee.” A wicked grin crossed Brad’s face. “Maybe if you dated more you wouldn’t have such an unconventional relationship with coffee.”

  “So does that mean I shouldn’t order coffee on my date with Gwen?”

  “You have a date?” There was a large amount of astonishment in Brad’s voice.


  “With the blue-haired girl from the tattoo parlor?” Patrick asked. When Graham nodded, he flashed him a rather bright grin. “Good for you. She’s cute.”

  “You think she’s cute?” Brad asked.

  Patrick turned to see surprise on his lover’s face. “What? You thought that just because I’m gay I don’t know a pretty girl when I see one?”

  “Maybe.” Brad gave him a sheepish grin. “That was a bit judgmental of me, wasn’t it?”

  “Just a bit.”


  “Don’t worry about it,” Patrick replied. “I love you anyway.”

  “I love you too.” Brad pulled him close and kissed him. Patrick opened for his lover’s tongue with a happy moan. He sank one hand into Brad’s hair and pulled him closer. Patrick shuddered as Brad sucked on his tongue. He was just getting ready to climb into Brad’s lap when he heard a throat clear. Patrick pulled away to see Graham grinning at them with his arms crossed over his chest.

  “If you two are going to do that all the time, maybe I don’t want to be here.”

sp; “What’s that supposed to mean?” Brad asked. He hadn’t released his hold on Patrick, but was facing Graham.

  “You’re being all cute and couple-like. It’s gross.”

  “You’re just jealous because you don’t have anyone to cuddle.”


  “Think Gwen will talk you into getting a tattoo?” Patrick asked. He remembered how pale Graham had become when he saw the needle. Patrick was surprised to note that he was getting a repeat of that pallor.

  “Do you really think she’ll do that? I don’t think I can get a tattoo.”

  “Graham, it’s your first date. Patrick is just trying to get a rise out of you. And if the look on your face is anything to go by, he’s doing a pretty good job.”

  “I hate both of you,” Graham muttered. He got to his feet and attempted to give them an annoyed look. “I’m going to work now.”

  “Have fun.”

  “You’ll call me when the two of you decide what you’re looking for in a lot?”

  “We will.”

  “Bye.” Patrick got to his feet and began to put the dishes in the dishwasher as Brad walked Graham out. He could hear the two men chatting as they walked away. Patrick was washing the pan he had cooked the pancakes in when he felt arms wrap around his waist. He leaned back against his lover. “Graham gone?”

  “Yeah. I had to talk him out of trying to get you to pack him a lunch.”

  Patrick laughed. “He wants me to make him food? What do I get out of it?”

  “I’m not sure. I think he wanted you to do it for free.”

  “Not gonna happen. The only person I feel like cooking for is you.” Patrick turned within the circle of Brad’s arms until he was facing his lover. He wiped his damp hands on his pants before cupping his lover’s face in his hands. He tilted Brad’s head and leaned in for a kiss. Patrick moaned happily as Brad opened for him, thrusting his tongue inside his lover’s mouth.

  Brad’s hand tightened around his waist and Patrick found himself spun around and pressed against the fridge. Patrick whimpered as Brad’s kiss turned ravenous. He released his hold on Brad’s face and ran his hands over Brad’s strong back. One of his hands dipped beneath Brad’s pants. Patrick ran his hand over the smooth skin of his lover’s ass, dipping his fingers into the cleft of his ass. Brad moaned and spread his legs. Patrick nipped at his lover’s lower lip as he tapped Brad’s hole with a finger. Brad pressed back against the probing digit, allowing the tip to slide inside. Patrick pulled out of the kiss with a groan as Brad’s heat surrounded his finger.