Broken Wings Read online

Page 23

  “I did.” Patrick turned his head to look at Brad over his shoulder. “You going to get on with it or should I go back to sleep?”

  “Brat,” Brad remarked. He gave Patrick’s ass one last swat, then he leaned down once more and licked the mark that his hand had left. Patrick shuddered beneath his touch.

  Brad dug his teeth into the meaty part of Patrick’s ass. He worried the flesh between his teeth and sucked on it, pulling a large mark into existence. Patrick was whimpering, and Brad could feel his lover’s hips thrusting against the bed. Brad released the bit of flesh and pulled his head back to study the mark. He pressed his fingers against the darkened spot, and Patrick shook beneath his touch.

  Brad reached for the lube as he tapped Patrick’s hip. “Lift up, love.”

  Patrick lifted his hips, pulling his knees under him. Brad knelt up and ran a lubed finger around Patrick’s hole. Patrick moved back in an attempt to get more friction. Brad obliged, slipping his finger inside his lover. He slowly began to stretch his lover while enjoying the sounds that Patrick was making. Brad loved how responsive Patrick was. As he added a second finger to the snug channel, Patrick rose up on his elbows and thrust back. Brad gently ran his casted hand over Patrick’s lower back as he inserted a third finger.

  “Angel, please.”

  “Hush.” Brad kissed Patrick’s lower back before he pulled his fingers out. It took some fumbling before he managed to get the condom on. Brad ran the extra lube over his erection before lining himself up with Patrick’s entrance. Patrick pushed back to meet him as he slid inside.

  Brad’s moan of pleasure echoed Patrick’s as his body pressed against the one beneath him. Brad leaned forward and draped himself over Patrick’s back. He nuzzled his lover’s neck before placing a light nip to it. Patrick moaned and arched his back, causing their bodies to press together. Brad ran his hand down Patrick’s right arm and linked their fingers together. He felt Patrick shift beneath him to help him support his weight without harming his broken wrist.

  “I love you, Patrick.”

  “I love you too. Now move,” Patrick instructed. His inner muscles clenched around Brad, causing both men to groan aloud. Taking his lover’s instructions, Brad pulled out and slid back in.

  The pace he set was slow—his bruised body couldn’t handle fast—but he managed to hit Patrick’s prostate with every stroke. Brad nibbled on his lover’s neck as Patrick pushed back to meet his thrusts. He could feel his orgasm build as Patrick began to shake beneath him. The shaking was normally a sign that Patrick was close to release.

  “Angel. Close.”

  Brad pressed his mouth next to Patrick’s ear. “Let go. Come for me, love.”

  Patrick’s head arched back, and he cried Brad’s name as he spent himself onto the sheets. Brad groaned as Patrick clamped around him. He thrust twice more before his orgasm hit. Brad collapsed against Patrick’s back with a soft groan. He felt Patrick squeeze his fingers. Brad pulled out gently before flopping onto the bed next to Patrick.

  “So, was that worth waking up for?”

  “Damn, Angel, you know just how to touch me.” Patrick turned his head so Brad was able to stare into his green eyes. “Definitely worth waking up for.”

  “You have really pretty eyes.”

  Patrick laughed. “You have sex brain.”

  “I do.” Brad sighed softly. “I should clean us up.”

  “Only fair since you’re the one that woke me up.”

  Brad stuck his tongue out at his lover then untangled their fingers. Pushing himself to his feet, he quickly disposed of the condom before heading down the hall to the bathroom. Brad washed himself off quickly and brought a damp cloth back to the bedroom. Patrick had rolled over onto his stomach—and out of the wet spot—but appeared to have dozed back off. Brad crawled onto the bed and gently wiped off his sticky and sated lover. Patrick murmured softly but didn’t open his eyes.

  “You’re going back to sleep, aren’t you?”

  “Mm hmm.”

  “I’m going to get dressed and take Bingo for a walk.”


  “And then we’re going to open our own Mexican restaurant. On Mars. Bingo is going to be the cook.”

  “That’ll be nice,” Patrick mumbled. Brad laughed, pressed a kiss to his lover’s cheek, pulled the blankets back over the enticing form, and stood. He quickly dressed and quietly left the room. Bingo was waiting for him just outside of the door.

  “You heard me say the word ‘walk’, didn’t you?” Brad asked. Bingo simply wagged her tail. Brad laughed and headed down the stairs, Bingo on his heels. He tossed on his shoes and coat before snapping the leash on her collar. He was slightly concerned about going out alone with Dwight still out there, but Bingo was an ex-police dog, and if he spent one more day cooped up in his own home, he was going to go insane. He also knew that the local cops had increased the number of patrols they did in his neighborhood, just to check up on him. Glancing up the stairs toward his sleeping lover, Brad concluded that it would be a good idea to lock the door behind him. Brad grabbed his keys and headed out for a walk.

  There was a bite in the air, snow on the ground, and Brad was happy. Not only did he have the man he loved warm and asleep in his bed, it was also his favorite type of winter day. The sun was out, making the snow glitter, and there were actually birds singing. Bingo fell easily into step beside him as he walked down the street. Even the dark cloud of Dwight couldn’t dim his happiness. They had reached the park when he heard someone calling his name. Brad turned to see Jack and Robot coming over to him.

  “I thought that was you,” Jack remarked. He looked from Bingo to Brad with a small hint of confusion in his eyes. “When did you get a dog?”

  “I didn’t. She’s Patrick’s.”

  “Is she friendly?” Robot was starting to edge closer to Bingo.


  “Good. Now that I don’t have to worry about a dog fight… so, Patrick’s in town?”


  “Why isn’t he walking his own dog?”

  “He’s sleeping.”

  “Wore him out, didn’t you?” Jack asked. Brad could feel the blush heat his cheeks. It increased in heat as Jack laughed. “Damn, Wilde, is he even going to be able to get out of bed?”

  “Like you’re one to talk. I’ve seen how you and Julian act around each other.”

  “That’s why I’m worried,” Jack replied with a grin. “We act like horny rabbits and we live together. You and Patrick don’t see each other that often. I’m going to be impressed if he’s able to walk. Especially since you can’t really play hockey with a broken wrist, which means you’ll be home more.”

  Brad sputtered and blushed, but couldn’t come up with a response to Jack’s comment. When the older man started to laugh, Brad glared at him. “How do you know Patrick’s the one worn out? Maybe I’m taking a walk because I need a break.”

  “Please. I know what that man is like in bed.” Jack’s face suddenly lost all color. “Shit. That was a long time ago. You know about that, right? Patrick told you?”

  “Calm down, Jack. Patrick told me.” Brad gave him a weak smile. “Although I have to admit it’s a bit strange knowing that my boyfriend has had sex with all of his male friends.”

  “I can see how that would be weird,” Jack commented as they started walking again. “But it’s got to be better than dealing with jealous exes.”

  “True. Can I ask you something? It’s kind of personal.”

  “You can ask. I might not answer.”

  Brad took a deep breath as he felt a blush burst across his face. “Do you find it weird that Patrick likes to bottom so much? With his job I thought it would be the other way around.”

  “You really don’t pull punches, do you?”


  “Don’t be, but I’m not sure I’m the right person to ask. I only had the one weekend with him. Julian might be a better choice.”

�m really not comfortable asking you this. I really don’t think I could ask Julian.”

  “It could just be a simple case of that being what he likes.”

  “But you don’t think it is.”

  Jack sighed. “Do you really want to hear my answer? It’s just going to be my opinion.”


  “I think Patrick is whatever his partner wants him to be, but I think with you he’s actually asking for what he wants. And I think that’s a lot more important to him than he lets us know.”

  “Huh,” Brad replied. He took a moment to think over what Jack said and realized that he agreed with the older man’s assessment. “I think that makes sense.” Brad shot a narrow-eyed gaze at Jack. “When did you get so insightful?”

  “It comes with age,” Jack stated with a laugh. “So how long is Patrick staying this time?”

  “At least until after the holidays.”

  “That’s not going to be enough time for you, is it?”

  “No.” Brad gave a small laugh and ran the hand not holding Bingo’s leash down his face. “Hell no. It seems like there’s never enough time when I’m around him.” Brad could feel a blush start on his cheeks. God, if I keep blushing this much the damn blush is going to become permanent. “I want him to stay.”

  “Have you told him?”

  “No.” Just the thought of telling Patrick he wanted him to stay made butterflies flutter in his stomach. No, they were too big to be butterflies. More like birds. Big ones.

  “Maybe you should.”

  Brad shook his head. “No, I can’t. How am I supposed to ask him to turn his life upside down for me?”

  “Do you love him?” Jack asked. They’d reached Jack and Julian’s house and were standing on the shoveled driveway.

  “I do.”

  “Then tell him that you want him to stay. Don’t pass up a chance to be with the man that you love just because you’re scared of what he’ll say.” He gave Brad’s shoulder a smack before heading into his house. Brad watched him for a moment before turning and starting the walk back to his house.

  Maybe Jack had a point. Perhaps he should ask Patrick about moving in with him. His lover was spending a large amount of time in Alberta. Brad wasn’t even sure if Patrick had been off desk duty long enough to even start any new cases. He and Patrick would just have to talk.

  Of course, that meant he would have to wake Patrick up.

  And waking up his sleeping, naked lover was something that Brad greatly enjoyed.

  Chapter 17

  PATRICK was slowly working his way to consciousness when he felt the bed dip behind him. He grinned into his pillow as the covers were pulled away from his neck. A cold nose pressed between his shoulder blades, and he yelped. Patrick rolled away from the sensation and found himself looking up into his lover’s smiling blue eyes.

  “You awake now?”


  “What’s mean?”

  “You putting your cold nose on my nice warm back. That wasn’t very nice.”

  “It worked.”

  “I was already awake.” Patrick grabbed Brad’s arm and pulled his lover against his chest. He settled Brad’s head on his shoulder and began to run his fingers through his blond hair.

  “You don’t look awake. You’re still in bed.”

  “So are you.”

  “Only because you are,” Brad replied. He burrowed closer, and Patrick felt lips press against his neck. Patrick ignored the cool air on his exposed arms and pulled Brad closer. He loved the way Brad felt in his arms. Feeling the material of Brad’s sweater against his skin, Patrick decided to shove his arms under the sweater to keep them warm. Brad shuddered slightly as Patrick’s arms hit the warm skin of his back.

  “Did you and Bingo have a nice walk?”

  “We did. I think she likes the snow.”

  “That’s good. You do seem to have a rather large amount of snow here.”

  “This is normal snow. You’re just not used to it.” Brad tensed slightly in his arms. “Would you like to get used to it?”

  “What?” Patrick pulled his arms out from under Brad’s sweater. He gave his lover a small push as he sat up. Patrick turned slightly so he could look at Brad, who had stayed prone on the bed. Brad was chewing on his lower lip, and one of his hands was tapping against Patrick’s hip.

  “Would you like to get used to the snow?”

  “Brad, what exactly do you mean by that?” He shifted slightly and grabbed the hand that was tapping against his hip. “This is important.”

  Brad took a deep breath before meeting Patrick’s eyes. “This may sound selfish, but I want you here. Patrick, will you move in with me?”

  Patrick stared at Brad while he processed what his lover had said. It took a moment for him to realize that Brad had actually asked him to move in and it wasn’t just him imagining what he wanted Brad to say. Patrick felt a large grin on his face just before he launched himself on his lover’s prone form. Brad grunted in surprise, but his arms came up around him. Patrick latched onto his mouth with an enthusiastic kiss. When Brad opened for him, he set about mapping his lover’s entire mouth. He pulled away when he started to get light-headed.

  “So, is that a yes? ’Cause you didn’t exactly answer my question.” Brad’s tone was attempting to be serious, but his eyes were sparkling.

  “Of course it’s a yes, you little prick.” Patrick gave his lover’s side a brief tickle; just enough to let Brad know that he meant business.

  “Stop picking on me. I was nervous.”

  Patrick looked into Brad’s eyes. He could see a faint trace of the nervousness that his lover had mentioned. Patrick lifted a hand and ran his fingers lightly over Brad’s face. “You don’t have to be nervous, Angel. I’d do anything for you.”

  “I’ll have to keep that in mind.” The remark was flippant, but Patrick could see the relief in the blue eyes that he loved. Brad turned his head to place gentle kisses on the fingers that were still on his cheek.

  “Now that I’ve said yes, can I talk about something that has me a bit nervous?”

  “Sure. You can talk to me about anything.”

  Patrick smiled. “I wasn’t sure how to bring this up without sounding presumptuous, but I want to build us a house.” Patrick bit his lip nervously as he waited for Brad’s reaction.

  “You want to build us a house?”


  “Is there something wrong with my house?”

  “No, Angel.” Patrick leaned down and gave his seemingly confused lover a kiss. “There is nothing wrong with your house.” He frowned as a thought occurred to him. “Well, I don’t think my baby grand and your grandmother’s upright will both fit in this house.”

  “How do you know that I want to keep my grandmother’s piano?”

  Patrick leaned down and nipped Brad’s nose. “Because I know you, Angel.”

  “So you want to build us a house?”


  “And where would this house be?”

  “Wherever there’s an empty lot. Do you know any Realtors? I could ask Asher, but he probably only knows Realtors in Calgary.”

  “Actually, I do know a Realtor, but we’ll talk about him later. So you want to live here?”

  “I want to live where you are. This is where you are.” Patrick leaned down and kissed him once more. “You’re happy here, Angel, and I’ve never been happier than when I’ve been here with you.”

  “Okay, you really need to stop saying shit like that.”


  “If you keep it up, I just might turn into a giant mushy girl.”

  Patrick stared at his lover for a moment before bursting into laughter. He laughed so hard his arms started to shake, so he lowered himself to the bed before he fell on top of Brad. Patrick could feel tears leaking from his eyes as he laughed. By the time he was finished, his sides hurt and he was panting for breath. He wiped his eyes and looked at Brad. Brad was giving him a dirty

  “Well, I sure as hell don’t feel mushy now.”

  “Sorry, Angel.”

  “No you’re not.”

  “You’re right, I’m not.” Patrick lifted his hand and ran his thumb over Brad’s bottom lip. He grinned as Brad pulled his thumb into his mouth. “I’m not sorry for putting a smile on your face.”

  “So you really want to build us a house?”


  “Do I get a say?”

  “Of course. I want it to be our house, and it won’t be that if you don’t help.”

  “And you’ll let me help pay for it?”

  Patrick could see the determination in Brad’s eyes. Helping pay for the house was obviously important to him. “Yes, you can help pay. We’ll figure something out.” Patrick sighed and snuggled into Brad’s open arms. “Which means that we’ll have to go into Calgary and talk to Asher.”

  “You don’t sound too happy about that.”

  “How about we wait until after the holidays to get started on that? I don’t want to bother him right now.”

  “Can we do that? What about your job?”

  Patrick sighed. “If we’re going to have a serious conversation, I’m going to need pants.”

  “What do you need pants for?”

  “I can’t have a serious conversation while I’m naked. When I’m naked all I want to do is feel you inside me.”

  Brad groaned and covered his eyes with his arm as he rolled away slightly. “Why do you say things like that?”

  Patrick could see the slight bulge starting to form in his lover’s pants. Good to know I haven’t lost my appeal. “You’re the one that asked.” Patrick knew that he had a wicked smile on his face, but the effect was slightly ruined since Brad wasn’t looking at him.

  “Stop smirking and go put some pants on before I change my mind and drill you into the mattress,” Brad instructed. Laughing, Patrick managed to press a kiss to his lover’s partially covered cheek before he slid out of the bed. He shivered slightly as his bare feet touched the cold floor. He was really going to have to talk Brad into getting a rug for his side of the bed. He was really getting tired of cold feet in the morning. Of course, he could always crawl over Brad. That had potential.