Broken Wings Read online

Page 13

  When Patrick began to thrust, he gasped softly. His hands came up to frame Patrick’s face, and he pulled his lover down for a kiss. When they had started, Brad had wanted a more forceful coupling—he wanted to be able to still feel Patrick when he got home—but now that the more tender pace had started, he didn’t want it to change. He gasped into Patrick’s mouth as the erection inside of him slowly rubbed over his prostate. He felt his hips jump, and he used his legs to press Patrick deeper inside of him. Patrick kept up the measured pace that he had set, but he seemed to be going deeper than he usually did. Brad was starting to think that he’d be able to feel him the next day despite the slower pace.

  Brad could feel his untouched erection throbbing between them. Occasionally, Patrick’s abs would brush over it as he thrust forward. Brad really wanted to touch himself, but he couldn’t force his hands to let go of Patrick’s shoulders. “Patrick,” he whined.

  “I’ve got you, Angel,” Patrick replied. One of Patrick’s strong hands wrapped around his erection, and Brad began to shudder. Patrick hit his prostate at the same time that he squeezed his erection, causing Brad to lose it. He screamed his lover’s name as his orgasm shot through him. Distantly, he heard Patrick call his name as he followed him into bliss, but his head was too fuzzy to really pay attention.

  By the time the room was back in focus, Brad could feel Patrick cleaning him off with a warm, damp cloth. He smiled at his lover and managed to raise his hand to Patrick’s cheek. Patrick turned and pressed a kiss to his palm. “Welcome back.”

  “Did I go somewhere?”

  “Physically, no, but I think you checked out on me for a bit mentally.”

  “Your fault,” Brad murmured. After Patrick settled himself back into the bed, Brad rolled himself into his arms. He tucked his head under Patrick’s chin and snuggled closer. Gentle fingers ran over his back, and Brad sighed in pleasure.


  “No, you’re not.”

  Patrick chuckled softly, making his chest vibrate under Brad’s cheek. “You’re right. I like knowing that sex with me made you all fuzzy-headed.”

  Brad felt a kiss pressed to the top of his head. “Too much talking. Sleep time.”

  “Whatever you say, Angel,” Patrick said. Brad grumbled slightly as his human pillow moved around until the lights were off and the blankets were pulled over them. Once Patrick stopped moving, Brad repositioned himself for optimum comfort. He ended up with his head wedged under Patrick’s chin with an arm and a leg tossed over his lover. Patrick’s arms wrapped around him, and Brad sighed in contentment. As sleep claimed him, he spared a thought for how hard it was going to be to part with his lover in the morning.

  Chapter 9

  BRAD grabbed his suitcase and headed for the doors of the airport, not looking forward to the costly cab ride back to his house. He could have called his brother for a ride, but Isaac had his own problems. The last thing he wanted to do was to add stress to his brother’s life. Plus, he still wasn’t comfortable talking to Isaac about Patrick. He’d never talked to his family about a man he was dating before, and every time he mentioned Patrick to his brother, Brad blushed. He wasn’t sure how long it was going to be before he could talk about Patrick without blushing. He wasn’t going to hold his breath. Brad ducked around a rather drunk man wandering around the airport and froze when he got a good look at the doors. There was someone waiting for him.

  Standing in the sea of people in the airport, it was almost easy to glance past the slight form of Graham Hudson. At five foot six inches, Graham was taller than his Asian mother, but he still had her coloring and slight build. While he didn’t really look like someone who was capable of being any sort of help on a ranch, Brad knew firsthand that he was deceptively strong. With all of the fights that Graham had managed to get them into, it was a good thing that he was strong. Graham was rather touchy about his height. Brad had seen him drop a man nearly a foot taller than him with one punch. Graham might have been his best friend, but he was not someone Brad ever wanted to fight.

  Brad stopped in front of Graham and dropped his bags to his feet. “What are you doing here?”

  “Heard that my friend needed a lift,” Graham replied. He grabbed Brad’s bag, slung it over his shoulder, and started walking toward the door.

  “How? Did I even tell you that I was leaving town? When I left you were still at Cooper’s.”

  “No, you didn’t tell me that you were leaving, which was incredibly rude. I mean, I’m your best friend. I really should be told when you fly out of the province to go and see your boyfriend, whom I still haven’t met.”

  “You were at Cooper’s.” Despite his longer legs, Brad actually had to hurry to keep up with Graham. Graham walked really fast.

  “And that means that you can’t call and tell me that you’re flying out to see your boyfriend? I didn’t realize that going to Cooper’s meant that you were going to ignore me.”

  “I haven’t been ignoring you!” Brad exclaimed as they reached Graham’s car. He reached out and grabbed his best friend’s arm. “And how the hell did you know that I was going to be at the airport today?”

  “Grandma Annabelle.”

  “I got ratted out by my grandmother?”

  “Yep. And she gave me cookies.”

  “You brought me cookies?”

  “No, why would I do that? Grandma Annabelle makes the best cookies ever. Why would I share them with you?”

  “Because she’s my grandmother?”

  “Still not gonna get you cookies. Now shut up and get in the car.” Graham gave him a bright grin before tossing his bag in the back. Brad sighed and grabbed the passenger door. When he pulled on it, nothing happened. He looked in the window and could see Graham laughing at him.

  “Not funny, Graham. Open the damn door.” Brad watched as Graham mimed not being able to hear him. “Still not funny. Open the door!” A chuckling Graham unlocked the door. Brad bit back a growl as he opened the door and got inside. “You can be such a child sometimes.”

  “Gee, where’s your sense of humor? Did you leave it back in Ontario?”

  “Shut up,” Brad muttered. He shifted slightly in an attempt to find a more comfortable position. Every time he moved, he could still feel Patrick inside of him. Despite the discomfort, it made him happy.

  “Is there a reason why you keep shifting?”

  “Shut up.”

  “Broken record, man.” Graham sent Brad a sly look. “I bet I can guess why you keep shifting.”

  Brad felt his cheeks heat in embarrassment. “Shut up, Graham.”

  “Dude! You totally got laid while you were gone! And I can tell!”

  “What are you, five?” Brad attempted to glare at his best friend, but he couldn’t keep the smile that popped up every time he thought of Patrick from crossing his face. Hearing laughter from the driver’s seat, Brad again attempted to send a glare in his friend’s direction. “Why am I friends with you?”

  “Because the only seat available the first day of kindergarten was next to me.”

  “I knew I should have sat on the floor.”

  “Only the kids who ate paste sat on the floor.”

  “So why did you have a chair?”

  “I didn’t eat paste. Russell ate paste.”

  “Are you sure that wasn’t you? I think you just blame him for things because he’s your twin.”

  “That’s what he’s there for. It’s his sole purpose in life.”

  “You know, I’ve always wondered why he doesn’t murder you in your sleep.”

  “It’s because even he knows I’m awesome,” Graham replied with a grin. “So, you’re really avoiding telling me what happened on your weekend.”

  “How was it at Cooper’s?”

  “Stop changing the subject. Now, spill. Do I have to go there and kick his ass?”

  Brad chuckled. “Didn’t we have this conversation already? I seem to remember telling you that he’d kick your ass without breakin
g a sweat.”

  “So, what’s he like?”

  “He’s amazing,” Brad gushed. He shifted in his seat, trying to get more comfortable. He was also trying to hide his blush from Graham. Brad knew that he sounded like a thirteen-year-old girl. Unfortunately, he couldn’t help it.

  “He’s amazing? You’ve got this dumb smile on your face and you can’t sit still, but all you can tell me is that he’s amazing?”

  “What do you want me to say?” Brad snapped. “You want me to say that—despite making me sound like a thirteen-year-old girl—I think he completes me? That I love him and being away from him is actually painful? Is that what you want me to say?”

  “Is it true?”


  “Then yes, that is exactly what I want you to say.” Graham pulled his sunglasses off of the car visor and put them on. “So, have you told Patrick that you love him?”

  “No. I can’t believe I just told you,” Brad grumbled. He crossed his arms in annoyance. Brad hated talking about his feelings, but Graham always managed to pester him into talking. That was the main reason Graham knew so much about him. He never stopped pushing until he got an answer. Sometimes Brad really hated that.

  “You only told me ’cause I pissed you off.”

  “You’re really good at that.”

  “It’s a skill.”

  “Not a useful one.”

  “Seems to work on you.”

  “You’re an ass.”

  “That I am. Why haven’t you told Patrick?”

  Brad sighed, uncrossed his arms, and ran a hand over his face. “You like to ask the hard questions, don’t you?”

  “Someone has to.”

  “I feel like it’s too soon. We haven’t known each other that long. How can I be in love with him already?” Brad growled in frustration. “On the other hand, why wouldn’t I be in love? He’s easy to love.”

  “Then why haven’t you told him?”

  “I don’t think he’s ready to hear it.”

  “Does this mean that you’re going to be moping even though you and Patrick are dating again?”

  “I don’t mope,” Brad replied with a glare aimed at Graham.

  “Moping it is.”

  “I hate you.”

  “No, you don’t.”

  “Shut up. I’m going to sleep the rest of the way home.” Brad shifted into a more comfortable position and closed his eyes.

  “I guess this means we’re done talking?”

  “Shh. I’m sleeping.” Brad stifled a grin as Graham started to grumble under his breath. After a moment of grumbling, the radio flicked on. Brad had to smother a grin at Graham’s choice of music. He’d been friends with Graham long enough that—no matter how much Graham tried to use it to annoy him—punk rock was not going to keep him awake. Brad let the sounds roll over him as he relaxed into his seat. He fell asleep wondering how long he was going to last before he needed to see Patrick again.

  Chapter 10

  SOMETHING was ringing. Patrick groaned and pulled the pillow farther over his head. The last thing he wanted to be was awake. The phone kept ringing. Apparently, he hadn’t reconnected the answering machine after he got it back from being fixed. The only way for the ringing to stop would be to either answer it or hope that the person on the other end gave up. After the eleventh ring, Patrick realized that the second option was not going to happen. Sighing in annoyance—more at himself than whoever was calling—Patrick reached over and grabbed the phone.



  The sound of the voice on the other end caused Patrick to sit up in bed and wake instantly. It was Brad. It was Brad, and he didn’t sound good. “Brad?” There was a sniffle on the other end and what sounded like muffled crying. Shit. What the fuck is going on? “Brad, what’s wrong?” It had only been three weeks since Brad had visited.

  “My grandma died.” The announcement was followed by more crying from Brad’s end of the line.

  Patrick felt his heart clench. He didn’t like hearing that much pain in Brad’s voice. He didn’t like it at all. “Where are you?”

  “At home.”

  “Is someone there with you?”

  “No. Graham’s out of town, my parents can’t make it out until later in the week, and Isaac is at some tournament in France. I haven’t been able to get in touch with him.”

  “I’m getting on the first plane that I can. I should be there tomorrow.”

  “Patrick, I don’t want to be alone.”

  Patrick had to fight back his own tears at the lost tone in the younger man’s voice. “I know, Angel. I’m on my way.”

  “Okay. You’ll be here?”

  “I promise.” Patrick hated to do it, but he needed to get off of the phone so he could get shit organized. “Angel, I gotta go and pack now, but I’ll be there tomorrow, okay?”

  “Thanks, Patrick.”

  “Nothing to thank me for. I’ll see you soon.” Patrick hung up the phone and closed his eyes to force back the tears. Brad was as close to his grandmother as Patrick had been to his, and Patrick had nearly had a breakdown when Granny had died. It was a pain that he still felt on holidays. He didn’t like to think of Brad ever feeling like that, but there was no way for him to stop death. Although, for Brad, he would have tried.

  Shutting down all of the worry that he was feeling, he looked at the clock by his bed. It was only noon. Normally, Patrick would have been a tad surprised that he had slept that late on his day off, but right now he didn’t care. All that mattered was getting to Brad as quickly as possible. He picked the cordless up and dialed as he started to pull clothes out of his closet and toss them in a bag.

  “O’Grady residence.” The Irish-accented voice on the other end of the line was male, therefore not the one that he was looking for.

  “Hey, Keegan, it’s Patrick. Can I talk to Justine?”

  “Sure. Let me go and find her.”

  Assuming that Brad had access to an iron, Patrick grabbed one of his darker suits out of the closet and tossed it into the bag. Three dress shirts and several ties followed it. He hoped that at least one of them matched, but if they didn’t, he could always buy new ones. He tossed a few more T-shirts and boxer-briefs in the bag and then started to head for the bathroom to grab his razor. That was when he realized all he was wearing was a pair of boxer-briefs. Not exactly traveling clothes. He struggled into a pair of jeans.

  “Patrick? Keegan said that you sounded weird.”

  “I need you to watch Bingo for me.”

  “What? Why?”

  “I’m heading out of town. I don’t know how long I’m going to be gone.” Finally getting the jeans on, he quickly pulled on a T-shirt that he hoped was clean and headed into the bathroom. The second he left the bedroom, Bingo was at his side. The German Shepherd followed him as he stepped into the bathroom and started to toss things into the bag.

  “Patrick, what is going on?”

  “Brad’s grandmother died. I’m catching the first flight to Alberta.”

  “I’ll watch Bingo. I’ll even clear things with the captain so you don’t get your fool ass fired.”

  “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome. Try not to get in an accident.”

  “I’ll try.” Patrick hung up the phone and—taking Justine’s advice—called a cab. The last thing he was going to do was try and drive himself to the airport. He knew if he got behind the wheel of his car with the way his mind was right now, he would most likely plow into something. Grabbing his passport, and badge from his office—his gun was locked safely in his gun safe—he headed to the front of the house. He was just pulling on his leather duster when the cab pulled up outside and honked.

  Giving Bingo one more scratch, he left the house, locking the door behind him. Justine had a key and would be checking on Bingo while he was gone, so he wasn’t worried about leaving her alone in the house. On the way to the airport, he debated calling Cam. He knew that Cam would
be supportive of his need to see Brad, but—with his mental state the way it was—Patrick knew he’d just worry him. He’d call Cam once he got to Brad’s house.

  Arriving at the airport, Patrick over-tipped the cab driver—he had managed to get to the airport in half the time that it was supposed to take—and climbed out of the cab. After spending a good twenty minutes arguing with various airport employees and two hours of waiting, Patrick found himself sitting in a first-class seat on his way to Alberta, still in possession of his bag.

  Patrick twisted his lighter around in his hand. He really wanted to smoke, but he couldn’t do that on the plane. As he twirled the lighter around in his hand, he let his mind wander to thoughts of Brad. He had no idea what to do when he got there. Patrick didn’t know what to say to Brad. When his grandmother had died, he really hadn’t paid much attention to what people had said to him. He was also worried that the clothes that he had packed wouldn’t be warm enough. Did they have snow in Alberta already?

  Patrick went through the landing in a daze. He almost didn’t notice that they had landed until the flight attendant tapped him on the shoulder. He nodded at her and followed the other passengers into the airport.

  Landing in Calgary was different this time. There was no one there to pick him up. Hell, he hadn’t even called Julian to tell him that he was coming. Patrick rented a car and headed into the lot to get it. At least this time he wasn’t injured. Well, no more injured than the normal bruises he got in the line of duty. While Patrick was happy that he was finally off desk duty, having to chase a shoplifting suspect through a rather crowded department store hadn’t exactly been fun. Mannequins and shoppers tended to get in the way.