Broken Wings Read online

Page 12

  “After the teasing you put me through? Doubtful.”

  “See, sweetheart, I told you he’d show. You don’t tattoo a man’s work on your skin if you don’t want him to meet your friends,” Keegan said. He had an arm wrapped around his wife’s trim waist.

  “Wouldn’t that mean you’d meet the friends of everyone you tattoo?” Patrick countered.

  “The design you got from Brad is different, and you know it.”

  “Pat, stop stalling and introduce us to the man who left such an impressive mark on your neck,” Justine instructed. Brad felt himself flush at the mention of the mark. There was a perfect imprint of his teeth in the center of the rather large and dark mark on Patrick’s neck. Brad’s attempt to keep from making the mark too large hadn’t really worked. In fact, it had failed miserably.

  “Brad Wilde, I’d like you to meet my partner, Justine O’Grady, and her husband Keegan, who does my tattoos.”

  “It’s nice to meet you,” Brad replied. He shook both of their hands.

  “He’s polite. I like that.”

  “Sparky, be nice.”

  “I’m always nice. Why don’t you go with Keegan and get us some more drinks while Brad and I talk?”

  “Come on, lad, you know that wasn’t a suggestion,” Keegan added. Brad watched as Patrick and Keegan headed to the bar before turning back to face Justine. She was leaning against the pool table with her arms crossed.

  “So, you’re the one that has my Patrick acting like a big girl.”

  “Yeah, that would be me.”

  “And I see you’ve noticed his biting kink.”

  “I have. I’m a little surprised that you know about it.”

  “Honey, he had your teeth imprinted on his neck. Plus, there really isn’t much that I don’t know. He tends to overshare.”

  “Okay, now I’m worried about what he said about me.”

  Justine smiled at him. “He hasn’t said much of anything, which is what clued me in on how special you are. The guys that don’t really matter are the ones I hear all about.”

  Brad gave her a weak smile. “Sometimes I worry about all the guys that came before me.”

  “Don’t. You are the only one on his mind. He lights up when he talks about you.” Justine reached up and gave his cheek a pat. “Plus, you are fucking cute.”

  Brad silently cursed his fair complexion as he felt the heat of a blush on his cheeks. “Thanks. You’re quite the looker yourself.”

  Justine laughed. “Thanks. I would have said ‘wait until you meet the stripper’, but Kennedy seems to have toned it down this evening.”

  Stripper? Brad followed the direction of Justine’s stare and saw a shapely blonde walk up to Patrick at the bar. She was wearing jeans and a black tank top with a black-and-blue-plaid shirt over it. Her hair was pulled into a ponytail. Brad found himself suddenly staring at violet eyes as she turned and spotted him. A decidedly wicked smile crossed her face. She had taken a step toward him before Patrick seemed to notice, grabbed her arm, and pulled her back against his side.

  “That’s her hunting look,” a male voice commented. Brad turned and found himself standing next to a shorter man with brown hair and bright blue eyes. He smiled and held out his hand. “Hi, I’m Cam.”

  “Brad,” he responded, shaking the offered hand. “Um, why does she have her hunting look on while looking at me?”

  “Because Kennedy likes to intimidate new people. She finds it fun.”

  Brad laughed softly. “You know, I don’t find that as shocking as I should.”

  “Yeah, Pat tends to attract the crazies.”

  “Are you saying that I’m crazy?”

  “What? No!” A panicked look crossed Cam’s face. He glanced at the tall blond man standing next to him and then turned back to face Brad. “I’m sure you’re not crazy at all.”

  “I don’t know about that, sweetheart,” the blond commented. “He is dating Patrick.”

  “Not helping, Jeremy!”

  Brad couldn’t hold it in anymore. He took one more look at Cam’s horrified face and burst into laughter. He laughed so hard that he needed to lean against the pool table. Justine appeared at his side and handed him a beer. Brad wiped at his leaking eyes and took it from her.

  “You fit in just fine,” she remarked.

  “Thanks, Justine.”

  “Not a problem.”

  Brad took a deep breath, then raised the beer to his lips. Catching Patrick’s eyes, he licked the rim of the bottle before taking a drink. When his lover’s eyes darkened from across the room, Brad smirked and turned his attention back to the two men in front of him. “So, you guys are Cam and Jeremy.”

  “Yep. That’s us.”

  “Pat talks about you.”

  “Really?” Cam seemed to perk up as he asked the question. He leaned back against his lover as he absently scratched at his arm.

  “Really. Is there something wrong with your arm?”

  “It’s still itchy. Has been ever since I got the cast off.”

  Brad laughed. “I know the feeling. I broke my leg when I was twelve. I swear the damn thing was itchy for like four months.”

  “Please, don’t encourage him. He’s been whining for ages,” Jeremy remarked. Brad laughed as Cam turned and slugged him in the shoulder. When strong arms wrapped around his waist, Brad leaned back with a smile.

  “I see you’ve met the peanut gallery.”

  “Is that what you call them?”

  “They’re nutty. It fits.”

  “I resent that.”

  “Can it, Shutterbug, nobody asked you.”


  “So, can I quiz the boyfriend now, or are you trying to hide him from me?”

  Patrick turned to face Kennedy, which forced Brad to turn with him. “Would I do that to you, Kiki?”

  “Yes. You’re an asshole.”



  “Children!” Justine snapped. “Behave in front of our guest.”

  Brad chuckled. “Are they always like this?”

  “Only on days that end in ‘y’.” Justine managed to pry Brad away from Patrick and pushed him toward the pool table. “Come on, let’s play some pool.”

  For the next several hours, Brad enjoyed beer, good company, and some exciting games of pool. Cam was very bad, and Brad was fairly certain that Jeremy let him win the game they played. Keith arrived and wiped the floor with first Patrick and then Jeremy. Keegan was just about to take on Kennedy when Cam announced that they needed more drinks.

  “I’ll give you a hand,” Brad said. Brad followed Cam to the bar to get another round of drinks. As they stood at the bar waiting for their drinks, Brad turned to face the pool table he had just left. Patrick had his arm around Keith’s shoulders while they watched Keegan take on Kennedy in a game of pool. The nurse looked perfectly comfortable pressed against Patrick’s side. Keith tugged on Patrick’s arm, then proceeded to whisper in his ear when the taller man leaned down, resulting in Patrick’s clear laughter ringing across the bar.

  “Cam, can I ask you a question?”

  “Sure. What’s on your mind?”

  “Patrick and Keith look so comfortable together. Why didn’t they work as a couple?”


  “What?” Brad turned to face Cam in surprise. There was a small smile on the other man’s face. “Did you seriously just say that sex was the reason that they didn’t work out?”


  Brad looked around quickly to make sure that no one was paying too much attention to their conversation. Satisfied with his observations, Brad turned his full attention back to Cam. “I don’t understand.”

  “Keith doesn’t top. Ever.”


  “Really. Apparently, he just doesn’t enjoy it. He’s not comfortable doing it.”


  “And you know how much Patrick loves getting fucked into the mattress.”

; Brad felt his blush return at the images Cam’s words conjured. “Yeah, I do.”

  “Want a sex tip?”

  “About Patrick?”

  “Who else would I give you sex tips about?”

  “Good point. Okay, shoot.”

  “If you take him from behind and hold him down, he can come without a touch.”

  “Actually, I know that one already,” Brad replied. He could feel his blush getting stronger, but he couldn’t stop the smug smile from crossing his face.

  Cam laughed. “Good for you. With the giant mark you left on his neck, I’m guessing you don’t need to be told that he likes to be bitten.”

  “No, I figured that one out really fast.” Brad let his eyes wander back to his lover. “He really is something else.”

  “He is. Not many people get to see it.”

  Still staring at his lover, Brad was gifted with a soft look sent in his direction. The look on Patrick’s face sent a warm feeling rushing through him. “I’m glad that I get to see it.”

  “Okay, enough serious talk. Drinks are ready, and we have thirsty people to intoxicate.”

  Brad laughed and picked up the drinks that Cam indicated. He followed the photographer as he wove through the crowd. He placed the tray of drinks that he was holding on the table that they had appropriated before grabbing one of the beers and taking it over to Patrick. Brad tucked himself up against Patrick’s free side as he handed his lover the drink.

  “Hey, you,” Patrick greeted. Brad felt a kiss on his head as Patrick plucked the drink from his hand. “Thanks.”

  “You’re welcome.” Brad slid his arm around Patrick’s waist as he was pulled closer to his lover’s side. “So, who’s winning?”

  “It’s close, but I think Keegan has her beat.” Patrick handed Keith his beer before turning and wrapping both arms around Brad. “So, are you having a good time?”

  “Yes. I like your friends.”

  “Good. I didn’t really feel like getting new ones.”

  “Goddamn piece of shit! Keegan, you cheated!” Kennedy exclaimed.

  Patrick laughed and rested his head against Brad’s. “Although I’m starting to think that maybe I should replace a few of them.”

  Brad chuckled as he pressed a quick kiss to Patrick’s jaw. When Patrick angled for a deeper kiss, Brad relaxed into it immediately. He slid his arms up Patrick’s back and pulled the other man closer. As the kiss deepened, the sound of hooting and whistles intruded on Brad’s lust-fogged mind. Realizing that Patrick’s friends were cheering for them, Brad broke the kiss and buried his blushing face in Patrick’s neck. Despite the embarrassment, Brad was having a wonderful time.

  Flying to Ontario had been a wonderful idea.

  IT WAS Sunday night, and Brad was curled comfortably in Patrick’s arms on the couch. Just like his first night there, Patrick had removed his shirt to get access to his skin and had pulled a blanket over him to keep him warm. Brad enjoyed the feeling of Patrick’s strong hands running over his back. He was even starting to form his own version of Patrick’s tactile obsession. Brad loved having his lover’s hands on his skin. He was dreading having to leave in the morning.

  “You okay, Angel? You’re quiet.”

  “Just thinking.” Brad pressed a kiss to Patrick’s chest.

  “About what?”


  “Ah.” Patrick’s arms tightened around him. “I see.”

  “With all the time you took off when you got shot, you aren’t going to be able to come and visit for a while, are you?”

  “No, not for a while. I’m sorry, Angel.”

  “Don’t be. It’s not your fault. Plus, I wouldn’t trade our month together for anything.”

  “Even the end when I was an ass?”

  Brad laughed. “Even that.” Brad pushed himself up so he was looking down at his lover. “You know what I think?”


  “I think you should take me to bed. I want to be able to feel you on the flight home.”

  “I think I like that idea,” Patrick replied. He grinned and pushed Brad off of his chest before climbing to his feet and holding his hand out for Brad. Brad shook his head with a laugh and allowed his lover to pull him to his feet. Patrick pulled with enough force that Brad slammed into his chest. Brad slid his arms around his lover’s waist and grinned at him.

  Wrapped in his lover’s arms, Brad watched as Patrick’s face lost its customary pre-sex leer. What replaced the leer was a look so tender that Brad felt his knees go weak. He tilted his head up slightly and pressed his lips to Patrick’s in a soft kiss. Brad shivered as he felt fingers trailing down his spine. When those fingers dipped below the waist of his pants, Brad whimpered and pressed himself closer to Patrick. By the time they broke the kiss, Brad was panting and clinging to his lover.

  “Ready to head upstairs, Angel?” Patrick asked. His hands came up to cradle Brad’s face, and all Brad could do was nod. Brad tangled his fingers with Patrick’s as the older man led him to the stairs. As they made their way to the bedroom, Brad attempted to force his sudden case of nerves to go away. He had no idea why he was so nervous. It was just that something about this time seemed different.

  Brad allowed Patrick to pull him into the bedroom and push him onto the bed. Patrick hadn’t turned on the lights, but the doors leading to the balcony let in enough light to bathe the room with a soft glow. Brad watched as Patrick peeled off his shirt. His breath caught as the tattooed and pierced torso was revealed. He would never tire of looking at his lover. Brad opened his arms as he caught Patrick’s gaze. Patrick smiled and climbed onto the bed, lowering his body onto Brad’s.

  A gasp escaped Brad’s mouth as he wrapped his arms around Patrick. He could feel Patrick’s nipple rings pressing against his chest as he arched into the contact. Lips pressed against his neck, causing Brad to tilt his head back. He was starting to enjoy Patrick’s biting kink. As Patrick nipped at his throat, Brad ran his fingers over the vivid mark he had left on Patrick’s neck. Patrick shuddered in his arms and bit down harder than he normally did. Brad cried out as a jolt of pleasure shot from his neck to his throbbing erection.

  “Was that a good cry?”


  “I bit you harder than I normally do. I just want to make sure that it was a good sound.”

  Brad lifted a hand and ran his fingers over Patrick’s cheek. “It was a good sound. I think you’re turning me into a freak like you.”

  “I’m not a freak.” Patrick turned his head and pressed a soft kiss to Brad’s still raised fingers. “I’m kinky.”

  Brad laughed. “You’re something, all right.”

  “Something good?”

  “Yeah. Something good. Now kiss me,” Brad decreed. Patrick laughed once more before lowering his lips to Brad’s in the demanded kiss. Brad opened instantly and curled his tongue around Patrick’s in welcome. He loved kissing Patrick. The man knew how to kiss.

  Brad might not have been a player before he met Patrick, but he’d had his share of lovers. No one had ever kissed him like Patrick did. It wasn’t just because Patrick was a man and all his other lovers had been women. Patrick put as much effort into a kiss as he did sex, and Brad couldn’t help but respond to it. He never wanted Patrick to stop kissing him like that. He never wanted Patrick to stop kissing him, period.

  When Patrick broke the kiss, Brad whined in protest. His complaint earned him a brief peck before Patrick began to kiss down his neck. Brad shivered and wrapped his arms around Patrick as his lover started to nibble on his collarbone. He twined Patrick’s hair around his fingers as he held his head against his chest. Brad teased the skin of Patrick’s hips with the hand that wasn’t in his hair. When Patrick bit down on his collarbone, Brad dug his fingers into his hip. He moaned in pleasure and thrust up into Patrick’s weight. He could feel his lover’s erection pressing against his through their remaining clothing.

  “Patrick,” Brad whined. He wasn’t sure why he wa
s whining, but he needed to say something. It was either his lover’s name or incoherent moaning.

  “Don’t worry, Angel. I’ve got you.”


  “Hush. Let me take my time. You’ll enjoy this,” Patrick replied. He moved away from the mark that Brad could actually feel and latched onto a nipple. Brad cried out in pleasure and arched into the contact. He could feel his head thrashing against the pillow as he clutched at Patrick’s shoulders. Brad shivered and moaned as Patrick licked across his chest to the other nipple. It was lavished with the same attention as the first one.

  Once finished there, Patrick began to kiss down his chest. Brad let go of his grip on Patrick’s shoulders as his lover moved farther down his torso. He let his fingers run over skin that he knew was tattooed with Patrick’s badge number. Brad had never been one for tattoos or piercings, but he loved them on Patrick. Brad gasped and let his hands slide away from Patrick’s back as his pants were nudged out of the way. His hip was given a quick nip before Patrick moved away, pulling Brad’s pants with him. Brad watched as Patrick quickly shed his own pants before crawling back onto the bed.

  Patrick placed small kisses along Brad’s body as he made his way back to his lips. Brad moaned happily and wrapped his arms around his lover, pulling Patrick flush against him. He pulled up one leg and wrapped it around Patrick’s waist, pressing their groins together. Patrick pulled away from him with a groan. Brad could see that his lover’s green eyes were blown with desire. It was a good look on him.

  “Lube now,” Brad demanded. He rocked his pelvis into Patrick’s and dug his fingers into his hips. Patrick gave him a feral smile and reached for the tube they had left sitting on the nightstand.

  Brad tilted his head and arched his back as he felt a slick finger enter him. He pulled his other leg up so his lover would have more room. Brad whimpered as Patrick brushed his prostate, sending a jolt of pleasure rushing through his body. He felt lips on his neck as another finger slid into him. Brad rocked his hips, matching the rhythm that Patrick was setting. He slid his hands down Patrick’s back until he could grab his lover’s firm ass, attempting to pull him closer.

  Brad felt Patrick chuckle against his neck before his lover pulled away slightly. He was about to complain at the separation, then noticed that Patrick was simply grabbing a condom off of the nightstand. Brad pulled his legs up as he felt his lover’s sheathed erection press against his entrance. He wrapped his legs around Patrick’s waist as his lover started to push in. Brad moaned in pleasure once Patrick was fully inside of him. He looked up into Patrick’s eyes and lost himself in the green depths.