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Broken Wings Page 25


  “Yes, Angel?”

  “How about we move this to the bedroom? I feel the need to have you inside me.”

  “I like that plan,” Patrick murmured. He gave Brad a soft kiss before he pulled his finger out. Brad whimpered and sagged against him for a moment. Patrick pushed against him slightly, forcing Brad to move enough that he was no longer pressed against the fridge. Brad kissed his chin before grabbing his hand and pulling him out of the kitchen.

  Patrick let Brad pull him up the stairs. He waited until they were in the bedroom before pushing Brad onto the bed and pouncing. Patrick tilted Brad’s chin up and latched onto the skin of his throat. While Brad’s hands ran over his back, he set about giving his lover a hickey to rival the one on his own neck. Brad moaned and arched beneath him. Patrick gave the skin under his lips a lick before pulling away. He looked at the discolored mark and grinned. He liked seeing his mark on Brad’s skin.

  Patrick pulled back and reached for the hem of his lover’s shirt. Brad sat up, and Patrick helped him remove the shirt, being incredibly careful of Brad’s broken wrist. Once the shirt was out of the way, Patrick pressed Brad back against the bed. He leaned down and began to kiss the bruises that still dotted his lover’s strong chest. Moving from a bruise to a nipple, Patrick closed his lips around the protrusion. He sucked the small nub into his mouth, flicking it with his tongue. Brad moaned beneath him. Patrick felt fingers dig into his hair as he was held close to his lover’s chest.

  Brad moaned in protest as Patrick lifted his head. Patrick placed a soft kiss to Brad’s chest before moving to the other nipple. He licked and sucked that nipple into a hard peak as well. He loved the sounds that Brad made. Patrick released the nipple he was tormenting and continued down Brad’s chest. He made sure to place a loving kiss on each bruise that he encountered. When Patrick nibbled on Brad’s hip, both of Brad’s hands flew to his head. Unfortunately, this caused Brad to smack him in the head with his cast.

  “Ouch.” Patrick pushed Brad’s hands out of his hair and rubbed at the injured area.


  “How about you just leave that arm on the bed?”

  “I think I can live with that plan,” Brad replied. Patrick smiled at his apologetic lover then went back to kissing his chest and abdomen. He grabbed the waist of Brad’s pants and ran his hands along the edge to the center, where he popped the button and lowered the zipper. When that was done, he began to pull the pants from his lover’s attractive body. He got Brad’s pants off and stood to quickly remove his own clothing. Once naked, he crawled back onto the bed and on top of his lover.

  Patrick sighed in pleasure as his bare skin ran over his lover’s equally bare body. He dipped his head and kissed Brad as strong arms wrapped around his back. He licked down the other side of Brad’s neck. When Brad’s hand suddenly clamped down on his ass, Patrick bit down in surprise. Brad moaned beneath him. Patrick wiggled until Brad let go of his ass. Once free, he stretched out an arm and grabbed the lube and a condom. Patrick slithered down Brad’s body with the items clutched in one hand.

  Settling on the bed, Patrick opened the lube. He coated his fingers and pressed one against Brad’s opening. Brad moaned and shifted under his touch. Patrick grinned and slowly slid his lubed finger inside. When Brad sighed in pleasure, Patrick used his free hand to grasp Brad’s erection and slid his mouth over it. Brad moaned and began to shift his hips. Patrick relaxed his throat as he added another finger, allowing Brad the freedom to move. Brad began rocking back and forth between his mouth and his fingers. Patrick had just added a third finger when he felt a hand in his hair.

  “Too close. I don’t want to come until you’re in me.” Brad’s voice came out in little gasps. Patrick reluctantly lifted his head. He enjoyed having his lover in his mouth. Patrick pulled his fingers out of Brad’s hole and smiled when his lover moaned in protest. Patrick rolled on a condom and spread the remaining lube on his erection. He grasped Brad’s hips as he slowly pressed inside.

  “Damn, Angel, so good,” Patrick moaned. Brad’s response was to wrap his legs around Patrick’s waist and pull him closer with a moan. Patrick moved his hands from Brad’s hips and braced them on the bed by his lover’s shoulders as he started to move. Brad moaned and thrust up to meet him. Patrick shifted the angle of his thrusts and was rewarded with a vocal cry from his lover. Prostate. Check.

  Patrick kept his thrusts steady, hitting Brad’s prostate with every thrust. Brad went to pieces beneath him, thrashing his head and moaning. Patrick leaned down and captured Brad’s lips in a bruising kiss. Brad whimpered beneath him, and the fingers of his non-injured hand dug into Patrick’s back. Patrick lifted one hand from the bed, slipped it between their bodies, and wrapped it around Brad’s leaking erection. Brad broke away from the kiss with a wail.

  Tightening his hold on Brad’s erection, Patrick picked up the pace. He moaned as Brad’s muscles contracted around him. Patrick pegged Brad’s gland with a particularly hard thrust, and Brad screamed as he shot all over Patrick’s hand and his own chest. Patrick managed several more thrusts before he called out Brad’s name as orgasm ripped through him. With a groan, Patrick fell forward onto Brad’s chest. Fingers began to gently card through his hair.

  “I like morning sex,” Patrick stated. When Brad began to laugh beneath him, Patrick pressed a kiss to his lover’s neck before he pulled out. He tossed the used condom into the trash then rolled back into his lover’s arms.

  “You like sex no matter what time of day.”

  “True. Are you complaining?”

  “Never,” Brad replied. Patrick felt a kiss pressed to the top of his head. He smiled and cuddled farther into his lover’s embrace.

  “We need a shower.”

  “We do smell.”

  “It does mean that we have to get up.”

  “Hmm, that doesn’t sound fun at all.”

  “We could share a shower,” Patrick suggested. He grinned into Brad’s neck as his lover’s spent penis twitched against his stomach.

  “I like that idea.”

  “I thought you might.” Patrick laughed as Brad began to push at him. With a quick kiss to his lover’s chest, Patrick climbed to his feet and headed to the bathroom. He was really starting to enjoy lazy mornings.

  BRAD stared at the lavishly decorated lobby with a feeling close to awe. When Patrick had pulled him on a detour during their Christmas shopping trip, he hadn’t expected to find himself in an office building. Patrick had promised to introduce him to Asher the next time they were in Calgary, but Brad had hoped to be given advance warning so he would have some time to prepare. He should have known that something was up when Patrick pulled out his cell phone while Brad was paying for an item. He found the prospect of meeting Asher slightly intimidating.

  “Wow, the place looks nice,” Patrick remarked as he walked back to Brad’s side. He had been talking to the receptionist while Brad had been staring at the decorations. There was a surprised note to his voice.

  “Why do you sound so surprised?”

  “It’s been a while since I’ve been here at Christmas. It’s very shiny.”

  Brad laughed, feeling some of the tension leak from his body. “I like it.”

  “Good. Ready to go and meet Asher?”

  “As ready as I’ll ever be,” Brad muttered. Patrick gave his hand a squeeze, linked their fingers, and pulled him to the elevator. Brad moved closer to Patrick in the elevator and leaned against him. Patrick gave his hand another squeeze. When the elevator doors opened, there was a man with brown hair and glasses waiting for them.

  “How do you always know when I’m coming up on the elevator?” Patrick asked. He stepped out and clapped the man on the shoulder with his free hand.

  “It’s one of my many talents. Plus, reception buzzed up and told me that you were here. So, who’s your friend?”

  “Mitchell Porter, I’d like you to meet Brad Wilde.”

  Mitchell’s gray
eyes brightened in surprise. “The boyfriend? We’ve heard a lot about you.”

  “Should I be worried?” Brad shook the hand that Mitchell held out to him. Mitchell had a surprisingly strong grip.

  “No. We’ve heard good things. And by ‘we’ I mean myself and Asher. I’m not really a crazy person or using the royal ‘we’. I’m just an assistant.”

  “He’s being modest,” Patrick interjected. “He practically runs this place. I think the only reason he keeps Asher around is because he needs his signature.”

  “Shh. Don’t go telling people my secrets.” Mitchell grinned at them before turning and starting toward Asher’s office. “Come on, Asher’s waiting.”

  “How can he be waiting? When I called, I said not to tell him that we were coming because I wanted it to be a surprise.”

  “He doesn’t know that you’re coming. I just said that because I wanted to get you out of the hall. Stop being difficult,” Mitchell directed. Patrick laughed and followed Mitchell down the hall. Brad felt his lover squeeze his fingers as he was pulled into step with him. Brad attempted to calm his nerves as he walked. He had no idea why meeting Asher made him so nervous. Asher was probably the only one of Patrick’s friends that Patrick hadn’t slept with. “Here you go.” Mitchell had stopped in front of the office door. “Have a fun visit.”

  “Thanks.” Patrick nodded at Mitchell before turning to face Brad. “Ready, Angel?”

  “Let’s do it,” Brad answered. He took a deep breath as Patrick pulled him inside.

  Once inside, Brad’s eyes landed on the handsome man sitting behind the desk. He had brown hair that was going gray at the temples and when he looked over to the door, his hazel eyes lit with pleasure. Asher stood, and Brad let his eyes wander over the toned body in the well-cut suit. Asher was an attractive man.

  “Pat! What are you doing here?”

  “Brad and I were in the city Christmas shopping, and I decided to bring him to meet you.”

  Asher turned his full attention to Brad. “So, you’re Brad?” Asher’s eyes traveled over his body before glancing back at Patrick. “He’s cute.”

  “You’re not bad yourself,” Brad commented. He could feel a blush heating his cheeks, but he was no longer as nervous as he had been before. Asher’s calm presence and appraisal of his looks had gone a long way toward easing his nerves. He stepped forward to shake Asher’s hand and found himself pulled into a strong embrace. He returned the hug with surprise. “Um, why are you hugging me?”

  “I’ve never met one of Patrick’s boyfriends before. I thought that made you huggable.” Asher followed this announcement with a small squeeze.

  “Okay, um, unhand my boyfriend.”

  “But he’s so cuddly.” Asher gave him one last squeeze before he released him. Brad only had a moment to himself before he was pulled against Patrick’s side. Rolling his eyes at Patrick’s possessive behavior, Brad relaxed into the hold. He shot Asher an apologetic smile.

  “He’s mine,” Patrick grumbled.

  “He can talk for himself,” Brad interrupted. He frowned when Patrick simply laughed and pressed a kiss to his cheek. “You’re a pain in the ass.”

  Asher laughed. “He really does know you, Pat.” He gestured to the couch against the wall. “Please, have a seat.”

  Brad pulled away from Patrick and headed over to the couch. He sat down, unsurprised when Patrick sat next to him and draped an arm around his shoulders. He sighed and leaned into his lover. “Possessive freak.”

  “Love you too,” Patrick murmured. He pressed a kiss to the top of Brad’s head.

  “So, the two of you are doing some shopping?”

  “I need to get something for my mom,” Brad answered. “She’s incredibly hard to shop for.”

  “Have you narrowed your search?”

  “I was thinking jewelry.”

  “Then it’s a good idea for you to take Patrick with you. He’s got great taste.”

  “That was a really nice thing to say.” Patrick frowned. “You don’t usually admit when I have good taste.”

  “Well, I figured that I should be nice to you since you brought your boyfriend here to meet me.” A rather sly grin crossed Asher’s face, and Brad got a glimpse of the man behind the suit. He was starting to understand why Patrick and Asher were such good friends. Asher appeared to have a bit of a devious streak.

  “Asher, what are your plans for Christmas?” Brad asked.

  “I’m spending it with my sister, her stuffy husband, and my niece and nephew.”

  “You don’t sound that excited about it.”

  “I’m still trying to decide if I’m excited or terrified. The kids can be exhausting and my sister is pregnant again, which means if something goes wrong with dinner she’ll either cry or try to throw the turkey.”

  “That does sound terrifying.”


  “Hey, I’ve seen his sister when she’s pregnant. She makes Justine look like a rational individual.”

  “Justine is a rational individual,” Asher interjected. “I don’t know why you keep trying to convince people that she’s scary.”

  “You’re only saying that because she tends to agree with you,” Patrick said, pouting. Brad burst into laughter at the expression on his lover’s face. When Patrick glared at him and Asher joined in on the laughter, Brad just laughed harder. After a moment, Patrick began to laugh as well.

  The three of them spent at least an hour chatting. Brad felt more relaxed by the second. Asher was easy to get along with. When Mitchell interrupted them due to a meeting that Asher had, Brad was actually disappointed. Asher gave him another hug before he and Patrick left the office. Back in the elevator, Brad slipped under Patrick’s arm and snuggled close to his lover.

  “Did you have a nice visit, sugar?”

  “I did. Did you like meeting Asher?”

  “Yes. I’m glad you brought me here.”


  “Yep. I think meeting Asher has given me a bit more of a feeling for what you were like growing up.”

  “Hmm. I’m not sure if I like that idea.”

  Brad laughed and pulled Patrick out of the elevator as the doors opened. “Come on, handsome. We have some shopping to do.”

  Chapter 18

  A SHRILL sound interrupted the peaceful sleep that Jack had been enjoying. He grunted and opened his eyes. Julian had rolled away from him slightly during the night, but he was still in the bed, so obviously he was not responsible for the noise. And unless Robot had turned into an actual robot while he was sleeping, she wasn’t either.

  The sound came again.

  “Was that the doorbell?” Julian asked. He voice was heavy with sleep as he rolled back into Jack’s side.

  “Who in their right mind would ring our doorbell at”—Jack turned his head and looked at the clock—“seven o’clock on Christmas morning?”

  “No idea,” Julian mumbled. He pulled a pillow over his head as the doorbell rang once again. “You should go answer that.”

  “Why do I have to do it?”

  “Because you make a better mean face than I do.”

  “Good point.” Jack sighed and crawled out of his nice warm bed, leaving his nice warm lover alone. As he pulled on a pair of sweats and a shirt, Jack let his eyes roam over his lover’s enticing form. Whoever was at the door was in a hell of a lot of trouble.

  Jack stumbled down the stairs, nearly tripping over Robot, who seemed just as confused by the doorbell as he was. She wasn’t barking at the door. She was just staring at it. Jack opened the door and found himself staring at a very large turkey.

  “The fuck?”

  “Could you move?” the turkey asked. “This thing is heavy.”

  The turkey was talking? Jack blinked and finally realized that there was a person holding the turkey. A very familiar person. “Patrick?”

  “Jack, move!” Patrick snapped. Jack found himself responding to the voice and stepping to one side. It wasn’
t until Patrick was halfway to the kitchen that he realized the other man had used his cop voice on him. Jack was just about to start demanding answers from the brunet when someone else walked into the house.

  “Pat, do you want all of these bags in the kitchen?” Brad asked. It looked like he had at least five of those large, reusable grocery bags in his arms.

  “Everything except the one with the presents,” Patrick called. “Then bring in the suit bag and after you hang it up you can crash in the guest room.”

  “Got it.” Brad gave Jack a rather tired-looking smile. “Hey, man, Merry Christmas.”

  “You too,” Jack replied automatically. It took him a moment to realize that both of the other men had completely walked by him without giving any sort of explanation. Shaking his head in an attempt to remove the early-morning cobwebs, Jack strode into the kitchen.

  The turkey was sitting on the counter, and Patrick was in the process of unpacking the bags that Brad had brought in. He didn’t see Brad, so he assumed the other man was either putting the presents by the tree or getting the suit bag from the car. A suit bag indicated that Patrick and Brad were intending on staying at the house for the day. Jack had his mouth open to question Patrick when he heard Robot bark. He turned back to the entranceway and saw that Brad had come back inside with a suit bag and Bingo.

  They brought the dog. Jack marched right over to the cop in his kitchen. “Patrick, what the hell is going on here?”

  “Isn’t it obvious? I’m making Christmas dinner.”

  “It’s seven. In the morning.”

  “It’s a twenty-five-pound turkey.”

  “Does Julian know that you’re here?”

  “Well, since you answered the door and have yet to go upstairs, I would guess no.”