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Broken Wings Page 20

  Stepping out into the sunshine, Patrick slid his sunglasses back onto his face. Now all he had to do was fly home and explain to Cam that he was moving to Alberta. That should be fairly simple.

  Cam was going to go apeshit.

  Chapter 15

  BRAD parked his truck in front of Score! and sighed. He didn’t really want to do this but he felt like he should warn Allan about the way that Dwight had been acting. Unfortunately, he was starting to think that he might have been overreacting.

  “Well, I’m here. Might as well get it over with,” Brad muttered. He turned off the ignition, climbed out of the truck, and locked the door behind him. Once in the store, he headed to the cash desk. He smiled at the same perky blonde girl behind the counter. “Hi, Sara, is Allan in?”

  “He’s in his office.”

  “Is he busy?” Brad fought the urge to nervously bite his lip. He was really starting to feel like this had been a bad idea. He didn’t want to bother Allan if he was busy.

  “I don’t think so. You should be fine to just head on back.”


  “Is this going to be a serious visit? Do you want me to hold his calls?”

  “You know what, that might be a good idea. Thanks, Sara.”

  “Not a problem,” she replied. Sara smiled at him as he headed past her to the back of the store where Allan’s office was located. When he reached the office, he knocked on the door.

  “Come in,” Allan called. Brad opened the door, stepped into the office, and pulled the door closed behind him. Allan smiled when he saw Brad. “Brad, I didn’t know you were coming in today.”

  “It wasn’t a planned visit.”

  “Is everything okay? I was sorry to hear about your grandmother. Did you get the flowers that I sent?”

  Brad smiled softly. “I did get the flowers. Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.” Allan motioned to the chair in front of his desk as he sat down once again. “So, what brings you to my office?”


  “He’s not here.” Allan was frowning at him in confusion.

  “Good. I want to talk about him.”

  “Okay.” Allan leaned forward, resting his elbows on his desk. He had a look of intense concentration of his face. “Is there something wrong? You look upset.”

  “Dwight showed up at my house just after my grandmother died. He seemed to be under the mistaken impression that we’re dating.”

  Allan blinked at him. “Dating?”


  “You and Dwight aren’t dating.”


  “I didn’t even know that Dwight was gay. Was it obvious? Am I missing giant clues?”

  “I don’t think so.”

  “Okay, your face still looks concerned, so I’m guessing that there’s more.”

  Brad sighed and ran a hand over his face. “He said some pretty rude things that I really don’t want to repeat, or even think about. Hell, my boyfriend punched him in the face.”

  “Let me get this straight. Dwight thinks that the two of you are dating and he said something rude enough to get your boyfriend to punch him?”

  “That about sums it up.”

  “I’m a bit concerned that he was able to show up at your house. I didn’t realize that Dwight knew where you lived.”

  “Neither did I. It was a rather large surprise when he showed up on my doorstep.”

  “Do you want me to talk to him?” Allan asked. He ran his hand over his head. “I mean, I’ve never been in this situation before. He’s got a contract, so I can’t really fire him for being creepy.”

  “I don’t know. I just felt like I had to tell you.”

  “I’m glad that you did. I’d hate to think that he did this to someone else. Someone who was too scared to say anything.” Allan sighed and gave Brad a wry smile. “This is not a conversation that I would have ever expected to have.”

  “It was a bit strange for me too.” Brad returned the smile. “I mean, hell, until I met my boyfriend, I don’t think I’d ever been hit on by a guy. Well, if I was, I didn’t really notice. That could be how the problem with Dwight started.”

  “I didn’t think that you and Dwight spent that much time together.”

  “We didn’t. We had coffee a couple of times after a few of the business meetings the three of us had, but that’s it. We never had anything even resembling a real date.”

  “I’ll talk to him the next time he’s in,” Allan said. A slight frown crossed his face. “You know, he’s been ducking out early the last few days. Maybe we should call the police.”

  “Do you really think it’s that serious?”

  “I don’t know if they’re going to be able to do anything, but you were concerned enough to drive all the way out here and talk to me. I’d feel better if I knew that there was someone looking out for you.”

  “I guess I could talk to Nathan.”

  “Who’s Nathan?”

  “Local cop.”

  “That might be a good idea. I just don’t want you to get hurt.”

  “Hurt?” Brad asked in alarm. “How did we jump to me getting hurt?”

  “I have a low panic threshold,” Allan replied. “I tend to go straight to the most horrible outcome.”

  “Wow. That’s not exactly a good quality.”

  “I know. It tends to get me into some trouble. Plus, after a while, it tends to make people roll their eyes.” Allan leaned back in his chair and smiled at Brad. There was a fond look in his eyes. “I like you, Brad. You’re a good guy.”

  “Thanks, Allan. I have to say, except for the whole Dwight thing, I really enjoyed working for you.”

  “Same here. You’re really good at your job, Brad. I’ve actually recommended you to a few people I know who were looking for someone to make web pages for them.”

  “Really?” Brad asked in surprise. He knew that he was good at his job, but he’d never had anyone recommend him before. At least not that he knew about.

  Allan laughed. “Yes, really. You’re one of the best web designers that I’ve ever met.”

  “Thanks,” Brad repeated. He could feel a slight blush forming on his face. He wasn’t really used to compliments.

  “People don’t tell you that you do good work very often, do they?” There was a small grin on Allan’s face.

  “Not really. I don’t usually see the people I do web pages for once the web pages are done.” Brad ran a hand through his hair and gave Allan a sheepish smile.

  “I’m glad I get to be an exception.”

  “Me too.”

  “You know, if you’re ever in the city and want to talk—hopefully about something other than crazy employees who are stalking you—feel free to stop by. I’m usually here.”

  “Thanks, Allan.”

  “Do you have to head back right away, or do you have time to get some lunch?”

  “I’ve got a few more things I need to do before I head home. I think I can fit in time for some lunch.”

  “Great. I can tell you all about how the website has increased business. Oh! And I can tell you all about the crazy guy who wanted to order two thousand soccer balls and a tennis racket.” Allan got to his feet with a grin.

  “Wow. That sounds like an interesting story,” Brad commented. He followed Allan out of the office with a small smile on his face. He had come to the store to tell Allan about Dwight, but he wasn’t going to turn down a lunch offer from someone who was concerned about his safety and was possibly a friend in the making.

  Plus, he really wanted to hear the story about the soccer balls and the tennis racket.

  PATRICK stood nervously in the middle of the room. He scanned the room to make sure that everything was just the way he wanted it. There were snacks on the table. A blanket was on the couch. A selection of DVDs had been placed next to the snacks. All of the remotes were lined up in a row—which was weird since he only really needed the universal remote. Everything was ready for movie ni
ght with Cam. Everything except Patrick.

  Patrick was going to tell his best friend that he was moving to Alberta.

  There was a distinct possibility that he was going to be ill.

  “I can do this,” Patrick muttered to himself. “It’s just Cam. I can do this.”

  Bingo padded over to him and nudged his hand with her head. Patrick smiled and scratched her head. Bingo had been incredibly happy to see him when he got home, which had made him feel incredibly guilty. He was going to have to talk to Jeremy about what he would need to do to take Bingo with him when he moved. He hoped that she would adjust to the move.

  There was a brief knock on the front door before it opened. “Pat?”

  “In here, Shutterbug,” Patrick called. He gave Bingo a final scratch before he turned around. He smiled as he spotted Cam’s tousled hair. “What’s with the hair?”

  “I had a hat on. It’s getting cold outside.”

  “It’s December, Cam. It does get cold in the winter. There might even be snow tomorrow.”

  “I don’t like it and I hate snow.” Cam gave Patrick a quick kiss before brushing past him, sitting on the couch, and pulling the blanket over his lap. “You don’t like the cold either.”

  “I know.”

  “You’re going to freeze your ass off when you move to Alberta.”

  “I kn—” Patrick stared at the back of Cam’s head in shock. He kept staring until Cam turned around to look at him.

  “Close your mouth, Pat. You look like a fish.”

  Patrick closed his mouth so quickly that he felt and heard his teeth clack together. “What did you just say?”

  “That you look like a fish?”

  “No, before that.”

  “That you’re going to freeze when you move to Alberta?”

  “Yeah, that one. Who told you that I was moving to Alberta?” Patrick was more confused than he ever remembered being. The only person he had talked to about his plan to move to Alberta was Asher, and Cam and Asher had never even met. At least not that he knew of. Patrick was pretty sure he would have remembered that.

  “Come sit down,” Cam instructed. Patrick walked around the couch and sat next to Cam. Cam tossed part of the blanket over his lap, keeping most of it for himself. “No one told me, Patrick.”

  “Then how did you know?”

  “Patrick, you are my best friend. Hell, you’re family. I know you.” Cam reached out and cupped his cheek. “I saw the way that you looked at him. Do you love him?”

  Patrick had to swallow around the lump in his throat before he could talk. “Yes, I love him.”

  “Have you told him?”

  “Yes.” Patrick felt a blush heat his cheeks as Cam smiled at him.

  “Then there is no way that you’ll be able to live this far away from him. It’ll kill you.”

  “But what am I going to do without you?” Patrick asked softly. Cam had been there for every important moment in his life. The month he had spent in Alberta had been the longest they had gone without seeing each other. Cam was the first person he went to when he needed someone to just tell him that everything was going to be fine. Patrick honestly didn’t know what he was going to do without Cam being right there.

  “You’re not going to be without me, Pat. You can call anytime that you want.”

  Patrick sighed and pulled the shorter man into his arms, tucking Cam’s head under his chin. “But it won’t be the same.”

  “I know, but you’ll have Brad. And Julian will be there. You’re not going to be alone, Patrick.” Cam wrapped an arm around Patrick’s waist and gave him a squeeze. He settled in Patrick’s arms, allowing Patrick to cuddle him. Patrick tightened his hold. He knew that he had to be holding Cam a bit tighter than was comfortable, but Cam simply returned the pressure. Cam’s easy acceptance of his needs was one of the things that Patrick loved about him.

  “It’s just going to be weird knowing that if I want to see you I’ll have to get on a plane.”

  “I’ll visit. And you’ll get so many phone calls and e-mails that you’ll be sick of me.”

  “I’ll never be sick of you,” Patrick replied. He pressed a kiss to the top of Cam’s head. “You know that I love you, right?”

  “I know. I love you too.” Cam shifted in his arms, causing Patrick to loosen his grip. “So, are we going to watch a movie or are we going to continue to be big saps?”

  “How about both? I don’t think I’m going to be able to let you go anytime soon.”

  He felt Cam’s smile against his chest. “Contact whore.”

  “You know it.”

  “Want me to stay here tonight?”

  “I’d like that. Jeremy won’t mind?”

  “He packed me an overnight bag. I think he suspected that we might have a serious conversation that would lead to you needing a cuddle.”

  “Your boyfriend is a smart man.”

  “And yours is one hell of a lucky guy.” Cam pulled out of Patrick’s arms and stretched. “So, what are we going to watch?”

  “I pulled some movies. Why don’t you pick?” Patrick leaned back against the couch as Cam looked over the selection of movies that he had put out on the table. He used one of his hands to rub the back of his neck. Now that the tension he had been feeling about telling Cam about the move was gone, his neck was sore.

  “What about this one?” Cam asked. He turned back to Patrick holding Empire Records in his hand. “We haven’t watched it in a while.”

  “Sounds good to me.”

  “Well, are you going to put it in the player?”

  “Why do I have to do it?”

  “It’s your house.” Cam’s eyes suddenly widened. “Holy shit! What are you going to do about the house?”

  Patrick climbed to his feet, picked the DVD out of Cam’s hand and headed to the player. “I haven’t thought that far ahead. I still need to tell Brad that I want to move to Alberta.”

  “I don’t think he’s going to mind.”

  Patrick grinned at him. “Neither do I.” Patrick put the DVD in the player before joining Cam on the couch once again. He picked up the remote before he pulled Cam back into his arms. “I think I want to build us a house.”



  “Let me guess. Your piano won’t fit in Brad’s house.” Cam tilted his head back and grinned at him.

  “Think you’re funny, don’t you?”

  “I’m right, aren’t I?”

  Patrick laughed. “Yes, but that’s not the reason I want to build us a house. I want a place that can just be ours.”

  “You’ll need to talk to Brad before you start making any plans. I don’t want you to push him.”

  “I won’t.”

  “Good, it would be horrible if you sent him screaming for the hills.”

  “There aren’t any hills in his part of Alberta.”

  “Then you should be safe.”

  “When did you turn into such a smartass?”

  “About the same time you turned into a love-struck fool.”

  “Don’t make me hit you just when I got all comfy,” Patrick remarked. He kissed Cam’s messy hair as Cam chuckled in his arms. Patrick simply held him close and inhaled his scent. He was going to have to store up on best-friend scent. “I’ll miss this.”

  “You haven’t left yet. Now shut up and turn on the movie.”

  Patrick laughed softly. “Yes, boss.” He pressed play on the remote then leaned back against the couch. Cam shifted until he was comfortable, and Patrick wrapped his arms around his waist. There was a small thump at the end of the couch as Bingo made herself comfortable in the small space that Cam and Patrick had left.

  Patrick ran his hand along Cam’s arm as the movie started. They had been having movie night every week since they were twelve. It was such a part of his life that he wasn’t sure how he would handle it not being there. Maybe he and Brad could find a night to do something with Jack and Julian?

  Of course h
e had to talk to Brad about moving to Alberta first. That was a conversation that he was both looking forward to and dreading. He was starting to feel sick again.

  “Stop worrying.”

  “How do you know that I was worrying?”

  “You’re squeezing my arm.”

  “Sorry.” Patrick released his grip and rubbed the section of Cam’s arm that he had been gripping. “I’m scared.”

  “I know, but you don’t need to be.”


  “I could see the love in his eyes when he was here. Everything will be fine.”

  “You sound sure.”

  “I am sure.”


  “Because you deserve to be happy. Now shut up and watch the movie.” Cam grabbed his still-moving hand and linked their fingers, effectively stopping Patrick’s nervous touching. Patrick forced himself to relax as the movie progressed. He was watching a movie with his best friend. The rest would sort itself out.

  Chapter 16

  PATRICK signed his name at the bottom of the sheet of paper. “Done,” he announced, closing the folder that the paper was in.

  “Good job. Want a cookie?” Justine asked. She had finished her paperwork earlier and had been taunting Patrick while he did his.

  “Do you have a cookie for me?”


  “False advertising, Sparky. I should arrest you for that.”

  “Then you’d have to fill out more paperwork.” Justine sat on the edge of his desk. Patrick watched as a small frown crossed her face. “That does not look like the paperwork for the case we just finished.”

  “It’s not.”

  “What is it?”

  “Request forms for a leave of absence,” Patrick answered. He sat back in his chair and waited for Justine’s reaction. He wasn’t sure if he was going to get thoughtful questions or fireworks. Justine’s Irish temper tended to make conversations unpredictable.


  Patrick looked into her eyes and saw nothing but concern. It looked like thoughtful questions had won. “I have some stuff I need to figure out.”